Sunday, August 31, 2008

O.K., that last picture was Todd. At least dad and I think it was, we honestly weren't sure because it wasn't marked. But, if you'll look at the chin and the coloring, it has to be Toddy!

Go ahead and guess. This will probably be easy, but still fun. Who is who? Give it your best shot! I was surprised at how much they looked alike at this age. I know, this is an easy one but look how cute they are!!!!

Just so you know, Neal was called to be the financial clerk in our ward. He was sustained and set apart today. So, only a few more weeks of teaching gospel doctrine we are thinking. That's honestly too bad. How does someone get the church calling that they think is the BEST calling in the church? When he did it before, he would come home and say "I have the best calling in the church." I was enjoying watching him squirm while teaching sunday school. Oh, well. He will do a GREAT job just like he does with anything he is called to do.


Kyle and Tiffany said...

well by simply looking at their clothes and nothing else you can totally tell that shannon is the on on the bottom. i mean look at her pioneer, little house on the prarie dress, the only thing that is missing is her bonnet. and then jen, her shirt is screaming "MC HAMMER, IT'S HAMMER TIME!!!!" I'm pretty sure the pioneers didn't know what "can't touch this" would have meant but cute little jen did. Jen on top, Shannon on bottom.

The Bischoff's said...

I KNOW you aren't making fun of my clothes KYLE!! MR. I wore a green sparkly thing around my neck when I was a kid and pretended that it kept bad things away from me!! Come on now be nice! :) He is right though- mo on bottom and Jen on top!

susette said...

Cute pictures, so sweet and angelic. I definitly knew Jen on top because she was here in the neighborhood at that age. (or close to it) And Shannon just totally looks like Shannon. But wait, you only have two girls anyway.

Cindy said...

I'm sorry I've missed out on the fun! Please keep posting them. I kept talking about the picture on your desktop and telling Derek what a hottie he was. I'm happy to say I LOVE both looks, then & now :)